Crunch time is here, ElixirConf is in 36 days! I started my presentation which is going to require a lot more time than previously imagined. My goal is to have the audience laugh a bit while learning how to build their own weather station. Once again I will go with TenderLove’s approach, laugh at your own jokes and others will join you.

It’s challenging to try to forget what you know in order to better teach others. I don’t want to make any assumptions about the audiences knowledge, or forget to mention some important details. There was a bit about the Elm front-end that may get cut due to time. I have a branch for Lake Effect with some basic, but broken channel support, not enough to talk about at the moment.

If you are going to be attending ElixirConf I would love to meet everyone! I am throwing around the idea of bringing my Elixir Card set. Contact me on twitter (@frigidcode) or find me at the conference. The speaker line up looks great, it should be a blast!

Screenshot of talk preview